Week 13

You need your English book, notebook, your pencil case.

Welcome to week 13!

Thank you for the drawings 🙂


To do list for this week:

  1. revise the Unit vocabulary with Quizlet
  2. page 47 of the book video
  3. choose a room (not yours!) and describe it with 3-4 sentences, using there is/there are and the prepositions and guess who’s the artist (he/she is one of your classmates)



2. PAGE 47 VIDEO (sorry for the watermark, I’m trying out some different software before buying one)



3. CHOOSE A ROOM (or more)

Chose one or more rooms from you classroom, describe it using there is/there are and the prepositions (in/on/under) and guess who sleeps there!

3 B bedrooms:


3 C bedrooms:


3 D bedrooms: