Possible Categories
Here’s a list of categories which you could use when playing the category game.
- countries
- games and sports
- cities
- animals
- food and drink
- verbs
- adjectives
- jobs
- famous people
- things you find in the bathroom/kitchen
- things you take on holiday
- fruit and vegetables
- things that fly
- things that are yellow
- items you can buy in IKEA
- things you find in a refrigerator
- things that are cold
- things you find in an office
- things that are round
- things which are scary
- things to do with Christmas
- things with wheels
- things in the garden
- things you can turn off, etc.
Categories for Kids
Here are some possible categories if you’re playing with younger learners.
- things with wheels
- fruits and vegetables
- games that use a ball
- musical instruments
- types of sweets / candy
- types of weather
- hobbies
- pizza toppings
- things people are afraid of
- movies / movie characters
- tv shows
- drinks
- singers / bands